
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Valextra Review: The Secchiello Medium Leather Bucket Bag {Updated November 2024}

So like I mentioned a couple times before (here and here), I bought this Valextra Bucket Bag for myself as a birthday present. I didn’t think I was the big bucket bag kind of person but seeing the resurgence in popularity of the Celine Sangle bag and the fact that I have a toddler now made me want try out a big bucket bag again. Since I had the Sangle before (Celine Sangle review here) and ended up selling it, I knew the Sangle wasn’t for me. I thought about getting it in the smaller size but I didn’t love it. But when I saw this Valextra Bucket bag I knew it was exactly what I’ve been looking for.

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LED Light Therapy Face Mask Review

Have you guys heard of LED light therapy for your skin? Well I was once an early adopter of these at-home LED light tools, and I had an early version of an LED wand like this LightStim for acne. But I never could keep it up because it required doing it in front of a mirror and moving the wand around to various spots on the face (because I’ve always had a lot of spots lol). But Jennifer Fisher recommended one of these full face LED Light Therapy Face Masks because it does your whole face in one sitting, and I knew I wanted to try one out. I decided to go with this one since it has great reviews on Amazon (4.3 stars out of 1700+ reviews). And you guys I was not disappointed.

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Mother's Day Gift Guide

This Mother’s Day gift guide might be a tad late since Mother’s Day is this coming weekend (oops). But Mother’s Day is definitely one of the occasions where a thoughtful gesture or gift is 100% warranted (because man being a mom is tough sometimes lol). Also it’s worth celebrating and appreciating all those who care and nurture others whether or not they are a biological mom. And since this is another Mother’s Day spent during a pandemic a little something is extra nice.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Hi guys! It’s been awhile since my last update, but we’ve been busy settling back into life in California. So far we’ve gotten our first vaccine dose, caught up on doctor and dentist appointments, and met up with some friends. It’s been fun but hectic. I don’t really have anything in particular I wanted to share but here are some thoughts I’ve had over the past couple weeks:

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What I Bought in April

It seemed like I bought a lot this month since I decided to add in my beauty/skin care re-purchases. But overall I only bought one new item for my closet (ok well it was a two piece set). I did however return quite a few things.

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Two Days Off Clothing Review: Linen Olivia Top

I purchased this top in November of last year, but have only worn it a handful of times. I was a little iffy about writing this post because I love Two Days Off and Gina, but I have to honestly say I don’t love this linen Olivia top. But it has nothing to do with the top, but rather it’s due to my own personal preference for smaller linen tops.

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Apple Watch Review

When my husband and friends first got their Apple Watch (Gen 1 at the time) I was not convinced. I didn’t want a big old clunky thing on my wrist. And I didn’t like the idea of being reachable 100% of the time (the idea felt like being on a leash). Well fast forward 6 years and I absolutely love my Gen 6 Apple Watch. Why do I love it? Let me count the ways:

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ALC Review: The Kati Tee

During last year’s Shopbop sales event, I was really into the puff-sleeve trend (and still am). So I looked on Shopbop for a puff sleeved tee that was not too over the top (ie too puffy), and I found the ALC Kati tee. It looked like exactly what I wanted! Well fast forward a year and it’s one of my favorite tees to throw on when I want to look a little “extra” but not over the top. And I guess it’s a fan favorite since it’s still selling one year later.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Not much to talk about this week but just some random thoughts. I recently started doing more Yin style yoga (it’s slow and more about relaxation than it is a good workout). I found SarahBethYoga on youtube and love her soothing yoga videos. I do them right before bedtime and I feel like it’s been helping me sleep better.

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Agolde Review: 90's Mid Rise Loose Fit Jeans and Riley Jeans {Updated November 2021}

I mentioned back in January that I purchased these jeans from fellow blogger Andrea. I had been looking for 90’s-styled “mom jeans” for a while but didn’t know where to start. But I love how mom jeans look on Andrea so when she decided to sell her Agolde 90’s Mid Rise Loose Fit Jeans because they were too big for her, I jumped at the chance. She was kindly worried that they would be too big on my, but knowing my pandemic weight gain I was more worried they would be too small haha. Well they are a bit tight but fit! I also love that I can look back at her blog to see how she styled these exact jeans (here and here).

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Fairly Curated Referral Links & Promo Codes

After 5+ years of blogging, I’ve accumulate quite a few referral links and promo codes. So I decided to collect them and put them all in one post here. All these referral links and promo codes can only be used with your first purchase from the brand. And every purchase from a referral link will give me a reciprocal promotional deal (for example if you get $20 off, I’ll get $20 off my next purchase). If you choose to purchase from here, thank you so much for supporting this blog!

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Weekend Ramblings: What I've Learned After Living in Hawaii for Four Months

As we get ready to go back to California in a couple weeks, I just wanted to collect some of my thoughts about what I’ve learned after living in Hawaii for the last 4 months. But note, I was born and raised here so not everything is brand new to me. But I haven’t lived in my hometown for an extended time since I was 18, so there are a lot of things I’ve learned about living in Hawaii as an adult.

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Everlane Review: The Leather Sling

No, this Everlane review (the first in almost a year) is not an April Fool’s joke. Though I might be a fool to give Everlane a second chance. But like I said, I plan to use up the rest of my store credit and then take it from there. Anyway, the first thing I purchased with credit since my long hiatus from Everlane was this leather sling. I’ve been looking for a slim, sling-like bag for awhile since sometimes you just need the essentials and then both hands to wrangle a toddler. And this leather sling from Everlane looked like just the thing. So what did I think of it?

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

During stressful times, I fall back to my my favorite escape/brain-numbing habit: TV. And well, in general my screen time has gone way up. So I thought I might as well make some recommendations so it’s not a complete waste of time 😆. Here are some of the things I’ve enjoyed watching:

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Verlein Ana Crossbody Review {Updated February 2022}

When Veronika the founder of Verlein, a Prague-based brand that makes bags, asked if I wanted to collaborate, I was at first hesitant because you know how picky I am about my bags. But I decided to take a chance because not only did I find their Ana Crossbody to be a gorgeous classical bag, but I also really liked how their ethical manufacturing and sustainability standards are baked into their company ethos yet not trumpeted in their marketing.

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Touchland Hand Sanitizer Review

The review for these Touchland Hand Sanitizers has been sitting in my drafts folder for over a year now since I got them in December 2019 to give as gifts for Christmas. Little did I know that a pandemic and subsequent hand sanitizer shortage would be just around the corner. Luckily I kept a few for myself and didn’t give away all of my 6-pack set and thus had some hand sanitizer when I really needed it. But now that hand sanitizer production is in overdrive and you can purchase it everywhere, would I recommend these fancy spray hand sanitizers?

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Oh boy, what a week huh. Well maybe especially if you’re an Asian-American (or Asian-Australian, Asian-Canadian, or Asian-European, though you guys don’t have the same fear of gun violence lucky ducks). Here, in Hawaii, I’m grateful to be able to feel removed from it a bit since Asians make-up a majority and racism to Asians is quite low. But the shooting in Atlanta and all the hate crimes targeting the elderly in California has me a little fearful of going back to California (I’ve started looking up purchasing pepper spray on Amazon).

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