
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Quince Review: The Washable Silk Skirt [Updated November 2024]

I’ve been wearing this Quince Washable Silk Skirt for awhile now so I thought it’s about time to give it a fair review. I was first attracted to this skirt because it reminded me of the Vetta Reversible Satin Midi skirt I saw many bloggers rocking their (gifted) Vetta skirts, like Andrea and Paige. I loved the look of the skirt but I’m sorry, I’m not spending $120 on a polyester skirt (also I’m not a fan of the cheetah print and just prefer plain ‘ole black anyway). So when I saw this 100% silk version for $60 on Quince, I knew I had to try it (full disclosure: I was able to purchase this skirt with credit earned from my referral link. Thank you again to all those who click on my referral link so that I can continue these reviews!).

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Hanna Andersson Review {Updated April 2022}

I don’t buy Emi too many items of clothing because 1) she only wears the same thing all the time and 2) I’m always expecting her to grow out of her clothing quick so I don’t want to buy too many items of the same size. But I have to say, some of my favorite items of clothing I have purchased for her were these two dresses from Hanna Andersson. I didn’t know too much about the brand, but they have a store in my local mall and the cute but simple cotton dresses caught my eye.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Ah another year older and another birthday not celebrated due to the pandemic. I don’t miss it too much because (thank goodness) I’m an introvert. But I realized that I haven’t properly celebrated a birthday going on 3 years now. Two years ago I was recovering from a C-section in the hospital and last year we had just entered lockdown. I guess it just gives me an excuse to spend a bit more on my birthday present to myself than I normally would— probably fool’s thinking but 🤷🏻‍♀️.

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Hackwith Design House Swimsuit Review

This swimsuit review might be a tad too early in the season for some of you folks, but as I have been in Hawaii for the last four months everyday is swimsuit day (if you want it to be lol). We have a pool here at our apartment complex so we’ve been lucky enough to enjoy swimming (which Emi loves) about once a week. So I’ve been getting great use out of my swimsuits, especially this Hackwith Design House one that I love.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Some things I’ve enjoyed reading lately:

Neela is one of my favorite bloggers out there because she writes so well and her words often resonate with me. I also find that she’s a great role model when it comes to lessening consumption and thinking about our clothes. Her 2021 Style Resolutions has given me a lot to think about, especially #7. Here is one of my favorite paragraphs of her post:

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Only Child Clothing Review: Tencel Cove Pants

Since I love my Only Child Linen Cove pants so much (it was one of my most worn items of 2020), I decided to get the black tencel Cove pants during Only Child’s sample sale last November. And even though I’ve already reviewed the linen Cove pants, I decided to do a seperate one for this tencel version since it’s slightly different from my first pair.

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Knickey Underwear Review

I am becoming quite the collector of ethical, organic cotton underwear. Funny since I refuse to model said underwear on the blog or on Insta. But then again I write these underwear reviews for the average gal who just wants a good pair of undies that weren’t made by slave labor and use organic materials (looking sexy is not on the agenda here lol). Well you guys, I found another good one, or rather they found me. And I’m so glad that they did because these are some of my most favorite undies yet. When it’s time for me to buy some new undies I’m going to get Knickeys for sure.

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What I Bought in February

Whew for a month there (the month of January) I totally forgot my blog name and was quite un-curated in my buying. I definitely purchased way too many things. Luckily I did a lot better in February. And since I’m working on limiting my spending for the rest of the year, I’m adding back in the section that I used to call “What I Wanted.” But I’m taking inspiration from the Luxe Strategist, and am renaming it “What I Resisted” since it’s a more accurate description.

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My Infant to Toddler Gear

Since I wrote a Newborn Essentials post I thought I’d follow it up with an Infant to Toddler one. Of course each child is different so these might not all work for you, but I’ve learned about many of these things from other moms so I hope in general you’ll find them useful for your own infant-fast-growing-into-a-toddler!

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Linenfox Anna Dress Review (and comparison to the Tradlands Nico Dress) {Updated March 2021}

I’ve been wearing this dress for awhile now but haven’t had a chance to yet review this sweet red Anna dress from Linenfox. I ordered this back in August and I got it in October of last year but because I’m currently in Hawaii I’ve been lucky enough to be able to enjoy wearing it all through this winter. If you’re not familiar with Linenfox, they are a small brand that makes linen clothing to order (thus reducing waste by not producing excess). They only use OEKO-tex certified high quality midweight linen (see where they fall in my ethical linen comparison review here). You can learn more about them here.

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Ilana Kohn Review: The Eleanor Top

I’ve tried a jumpsuit from Ilana Kohn before (Ilana Kohn Harry jumpsuit review here) but I ended up selling it because it was just a bit too small (after some pandemic weight gain) and I found I never wore it. Plus it was made from a heavy denim material so it was a little too hot for everyday wear. But I was impressed with the quality and knew if I saw something from them again I’d try it out. Well I found this Eleanor top on the RealReal and snapped it up right away.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Anyway I’ve finally finished my 3 part series on “Tips for Starting a Blog” last week. What did you guys think? It definitely was a lot more that I had intended on writing. Sorry to bore some of you who have no intention of starting a blog lol.

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Two Days Off Clothing Review: Linen Kaneko Dress

As you know I’m a huge fan of the Two Days Off Haruko dress since it made my top favorite things reviewed post and my most worn in 2020 post (you can find my Two Days Off Haruko Dress review here). So in December I decided to gift myself with another couple of pieces from Two Days Off one of which is this Kaneko Dress in mushroom linen. I had seen Gina rock hers on Insta and I knew it was the dress I wanted to try next!

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Mansur Gavriel Mini Protea Bag Review: Is It Worth It & What Fits In It?

I first talked about Mansur Gavriel Mini Protea Bag in exactly this Biscotto color back in June of 2019 (I love how blogging has helped me keep track of things like this lol). Anyway since then I’ve thought about getting this bag off and on but never committed to purchasing it because I didn’t want to pay for it full price and I never saw it for a good price and in good condition secondhand. Well it just took a year and a half for Mansur Gavriel to put it on sale, and even though it’s not returnable I decided to take a chance on it since I’ve been wanting it for over a year. So was it worth the wait? Let me sum it up in a picture:

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Galentine's/Valentine's Day Raffle {Now Closed}

So I’m not one to celebrate Valentine’s day and much prefer Galentine’s day, but either day you celebrate (Feb 14th or 13th), I acknowledge the day as a way to take some time to appreciate your fellow woman/man. In the past I’ve done a giveaway to show my appreciation for you gals who read my blog or follow me on instagram, and who I’ve come to view as my friends. Well this year I thought I might try something a little different by doing a raffle to raise some money for the Loveland Foundation (a perfect Gal/Valentine’s Day non-profit don’t you think?).

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Tips on Starting a Blog, part three: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google Analytics

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert here and some of my info might be outdated since I last looked up this stuff (5.5 years ago when I started my blog). Please let me know if I am wrong on anything since they change up SEO all the time. And if you want to do further research there are a lot more expert sites out there about this topic. These are just my basic beginner tips:

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Ree Projects Review: The Mini Helene Tote Bag {Updated February 2022}

Ree Projects is an Amsterdam-based, Black female-owned business that produces beautiful bags made in Italy. I first found them on Instagram and fell in love with the unusual shape of this Helene Mini tote bag. After doing a little more research and reading their sustainability manifesto I knew Ree Projects is the kind of intentional brand I wanted to support. So I contacted Desiree directly when I saw that the color I wanted (this caramel one) was out of stock. Lucky for me they had one left in the warehouse at the time and I purchased it directly from her. This was early July of last year (I know this review is looong overdue). Now I see that her bags are more readily available (and a little less than what I paid for due to the Euro-USD conversion at the time). Purseblog even did a full interview with her here in October. Guess I know a noteworthy bag and brand when I see one!

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