Quince Reviews
I rarely talk about men’s clothing here because let’s be real, males are not really likely to read this blog (unless they’re researching a gift for their gf/wife/mom/sister). But in that same vein, I thought I would at least mention some items I’ve purchased from Quince for my husband since they can make great gifts.
In the past I’ve done posts about my most worn Quince items for the year, however this past year I only got a couple of clothing items from Quince. I ended up getting a lot more non-wardrobe products from them, so this year’s round-up will be my overall most used items across all their various categories (but honestly mostly from the Home section).
It’s been awhile since I’ve reviewed kids clothes because I tend to mostly purchase from Hanna Andersson. But lately I’ve noticed that their quality has gone down though the prices are the same (if not higher). And PACT, my other go-to for high quality kids items, are no longer doing kids clothing. So I decided to check out Quince since they’ve really expanded their line of kids clothing in the last year.
I’ve been putting off this post for so long because there’s just so many of Quince’s home goods I’ve tried since I first purchased from them back in 2019. And sitting down to write my thoughts on all of them seemed like a daunting task. But since I’ve collated all my thoughts on other Quince items (see my Quince Fine Jewelry Review, Quince All Things Linen Review, Quince Bags Review, and Quince Shoes Review) I figured it’s about time I put together my thoughts on Quince home items. So without further ado…
As long time readers know, I’m a pretty big fan of Quince (see all my Quince reviews here). But I hadn’t thought to try out their shoes until just recently. But when I saw their machine washable shoes (much like Rothy’s which I like—see my Rothy’s review here), at a very reasonable price, I knew I wanted to give them a try. Here are all the shoes I’ve tried from Quince thus far and what I think about them:
I’m easing back into the review-train with a quick review of one thing that I really loved during my RV trip: Quince’s packing cubes. I’ve heard people raving about packing cubes before, but I never really got the hype because I tried some flimsy nylon ones from Muji and never really liked them. Yes, I use them for storing things but I never packed with them. But I was willing to try Quince’s version because I knew I’d be doing some traveling (mostly via RV) this year. And wow, have they made a difference!
One of my very first reviews was of Quince’s $50 cashmere sweater , and three years ago I thought that cashmere sweater was decent. I admittedly didn’t wear it a ton though because it was a tad sheer and the following year (2020) I went up a size and it didn’t fit anymore. Since then I have only dabbled in Quince’s sweaters, preferring to wear out my Everlane sweaters instead. But since I had sized out of those too, I got a handful of Quince sweaters this past year and here’s a roundup review of them all (organized by fiber type).
I don’t know if you can tell by now, but Quince is now my go-to brand for pretty much everything. I love their quality clothing (both womens and mens), jewelry, bags, and even home goods. And I’m very lucky that many of you guys have supported these reviews by purchasing through my referral link (thank you guys! ). But after doing so many Quince reviews, which items were my most used? My favorites? Well here they are (in no particular order):
As I did in the Quince fine jewelry review and Quince linen review, I thought I would round up all the Quince bags I’ve purchased in one review. As a bag lady, I’m quite particular about my bags (see my whole bag review section here). And having tried everything from Hermes and Valextra (brand with bags handcrafted by one artisan) to Longchamp and Moop (canvas bags sold on Etsy), I feel like I know what quality bags look and feel like. And I have to say Quince makes great quality, practical leather bags at a really good price point. Most of their bags are made of Italian leathers and some in Florence, a location that is known to produce high quality leather goods. Without further ado, here are the Quince bags I’ve tried thus far.
Thanks to everyone who purchased through my Quince referral link (where you get $20 off your first order and I get $20 of credit as well), I’ve been able to try quite a few things on credit. I wrote a comprehensive Quince review of all the things I tried during the last half of last year and I also wrote a Quince jewelry review and a Quince Linen review. Well here are all the other things I’ve tried since the beginning of this year:
One of the first things I tried from Quince was their linen bedding and I was (and still am) a huge fan. Since then I’ve tried a multitude of their linen items because I love linen and Quince linen is quite good. How good you ask? Well, as a lightweight linen (at 160gsm) it ranks just below the slow fashion linen brands from Lithuania (NotPerfectLinen and LinenFox) but better than many other conventional brands that price their linen products higher (Ilana Kohn, Tradlands, etc.). You can peek my Ethical Linen Guide here. So without further ado, here’s what I think of the linen things I’ve tried from Quince:
I’ve tried a lot of Quince’s jewelry over the last couple of years. I’ve been very lucky to earn credit from my referrals and since I’m a real sucker for jewelry, I’ve tried a lot of their offerings. And not to mention, since I don’t get paid to share my love of Quince (no freebies or sponsorships here), I feel like instead I use my credit to “pay” myself in jewelry. With the price of gold going up, let’s just say it’s not a terrible exchange. Plus I get to enjoy all the sparklies (as my daughter calls them) to wear on a daily basis (and Quince really does do daily minimal jewelry well).
Since my last Quince round-up was pretty popular, I thought I’d continue the series with my next “batch” of Quince items. Thank you again for all those who shopped through my referral link (for $20 off your first purchase—they upped it from $10 this year)! It’s because of you guys that I’m able to try all these things from Quince on credit.
Much like my Everlane review, I decided to do one big collective review of all the things I’ve tried from Quince in the last year. There are some hits and misses and since I’ve tried so many of their items I hope you might find some of my opinions here useful. Also I wanted to note that I was able to try all these things for free thanks to all of you guys who’ve used my referral link to purchase (you get $10 off your first purchase and I also get $10 off my next purchase).
Last year, I was (and still am) a huge fan of Quince’s linen tank (Quince 100% organic linen tank review here). So when they released matching 100% organic linen shorts this year I jumped on them right away. And I have no regrets. In fact, once I ordered one pair, I immediately ordered two more pairs and now I have my all linen summer uniform.
I’ve been wearing this Quince Washable Silk Skirt for awhile now so I thought it’s about time to give it a fair review. I was first attracted to this skirt because it reminded me of the Vetta Reversible Satin Midi skirt I saw many bloggers rocking their (gifted) Vetta skirts, like Andrea and Paige. I loved the look of the skirt but I’m sorry, I’m not spending $120 on a polyester skirt (also I’m not a fan of the cheetah print and just prefer plain ‘ole black anyway). So when I saw this 100% silk version for $60 on Quince, I knew I had to try it (full disclosure: I was able to purchase this skirt with credit earned from my referral link. Thank you again to all those who click on my referral link so that I can continue these reviews!).
Ok you guys asked so here’s the full review of these pearl stud earrings from Quince (which I was able to purchase through credit earned from my referral link—thanks again you guys for funding my reviews here!).
Now I’m no stranger to washable silk pillowcases. I first purchased and reviewed the original Slip silk pillowcase over two years ago and an Amazon dupe for the Slip silk pillowcase (tl;dr of the two reviews: I thought the Slip silk pillowcase was worth its $79 price tag (ok now I see it retails for $89) while the Amazon dupe, which sounded the same on paper, was not the same and I thought it was worth getting the original). If you want to see all the benefits of a silk pillowcase, refer to my review of the original Slip pillowcase (and I really do stand by those benefits).
Since I talked about these Quince Turkish Spa Bath Towels in my last two posts (My Fairly Curated Gift Guide and What I Bought in November), I figured I’d bump up my review of them. Because you guys, these are some really great towels. I’m not a bath towel aficionado, but I’ve had more than my fair share of buying them due to running our Airstream business in the past.
It’s probably a tad late in the year (in the Northern Hemisphere) to be raving about a linen tank top, especially since I’ve already seen the term sweater weather bandied about. So this review is for my Southern Hemisphere and Equatorial friends out there looking to add a very reasonably-priced, good quality linen top to their wardrobe. This 100% organic linen top from Quince was an impulse purchase of sorts since I had some credit in my account (thank you so much to all you guys who used my referral link for $10 off your first purchase). But ever since writing my ethical linen comparison review, I use a brand’s linen items as a benchmark to determine the overall quality of their goods. And I wanted to know how Quince measured up.
Another Quince (formerly known as Last Brand) review for you today. So far I’ve tried their cashmere, their leather crossbody, leather tote, and their linen bedding. Now I’m here to review their jewelry. They really do have quite a few items on their website! Currently both their 14k bold hoops and the 14k solo mini are sold out, but hopefully they restock it soon.
I’m no bedding expert but I have reviewed some direct to consumer (DTC) bedding brands like Brooklinen and Casper. (If you want a really good review of DTC bedding, Luxe wrote one last year). But I’ve always purchased cotton bedding because that’s what I was used to. And then when I wrote about linen clothing a couple years ago, several of you guys raved about linen sheets. But the price point for linen sheets seemed too high for just a “try out” (I mean what if I disliked it, then what?). So I put linen sheets on my “someday” list. Well when Last Brand asked if there was anything I would like to review, I jumped at the chance to try out their Oeko-Tex certified linen bedding.
Ok ok, I know I just said I have too many totes. But when I earned enough credit through my referral link (thank you so much you guys for your support of this blog!), I just had to try out Quince’s Italian Tote. But don’t worry I’m not accumulating more bags because I plan to give this to a friend. And she’ll be thrilled because guys, this is a great tote.
I found Quince (also known as One Quince and formerly known as Last Brand ) thanks to a wonderful reader of the blog who also loved “vintage” Grana (edit: Thanks Viktoriya!). Anyway I’m so glad I learned about them because it’s always exciting to share a new brand that’s trying make quality products, at a great price, and with ethics in mind! There’s so many things I want to talk about this brand that I’m not sure where to start.
I don’t have that many jackets and blazers from Quince, especially considering their plethora of options these days. But here are all the jackets I’ve tried since starting to review Quince in 2019, and I have to say that most of them are pretty good.