
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

April 2022 Books

I read an all time record of 6 books this month: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates, A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra, The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking, Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, Nicely Said: Writing for the Web with Style and Purpose by Nicole Fenton and Kate Kiefer Lee, and Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner.

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April 2022 Recap

April was a month of toothache and adventure at Yosemite. I’m still continuing my practice of two non-commercial days a week (albeit imperfectly), and I’ve accomplished another month of being alcohol-free.

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My Current Shirt Stash

One of my goals this year as part of #LessNewin2022 is to write more posts about items I already own and less reviews of new stuff. So today I’ll be doing a little roundup of my current shirt collection and how they’ve worn over the years. The following are my five most worn shirt brands:

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Quince Fine Jewelry Review {Updated January 2025}

I’ve tried a lot of Quince’s jewelry over the last couple of years. I’ve been very lucky to earn credit from my referrals and since I’m a real sucker for jewelry, I’ve tried a lot of their offerings. And not to mention, since I don’t get paid to share my love of Quince (no freebies or sponsorships here), I feel like instead I use my credit to “pay” myself in jewelry. With the price of gold going up, let’s just say it’s not a terrible exchange. Plus I get to enjoy all the sparklies (as my daughter calls them) to wear on a daily basis (and Quince really does do daily minimal jewelry well).

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March 2022 Books

I decided to make this a seperate post since I started going a little long talking about these books, and I didn’t want to squeeze them into my monthly recaps. As you can see I’m a big fan of personal development books (I’m always down to get advice on how to live a better life though I don’t know how much of it really sticks lol). These are books I finished reading in March:

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The Row Review: Cashmere Sweater

I’ve always thought of the brand The Row by the Olsen twins as a line of ridiculously priced basics. And even though I like basics (and even the Olsen twins’ fashion sense) I never thought about buying anything from them until I read this article by The Cut (which I found thanks to Cathy from Feather Factor). When I read the part about an ultra wealthy women buying 30 cashmere crewnecks (spending about $30k on them) and the author calling their sweaters “perfect,” I had to find out what all the hype was about. And well, now that I’ve tried this one I have to say I get it.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

How are you guys doing? I hope you’re doing as well as can be expected during these difficult times (I feel like that’s a sentiment that keeps repeating itself the last couple of years).

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Tangie Review: The Hand Soap Paste and The Laundry Stain Remover Bar {Update July 2022}

If you read my last Tangie review, you know I’m a huuuge fan of their shampoo bar (though not their conditioner bar unfortunately). Well in that first order from (this is the site of the people who make Tangie products), I also got two Hand Soap Paste Bars. I loved those so much (and used it up straight away) that I ordered three more hand soap bars, and I thought it was about time I reviewed them. Then I got the Laundry Stain Remover Bar from my friend for Christmas (thanks Lynne!) and thought I would review that today too.

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The Curated Review: The Classic Shoulder Bag and Classic Teddy Jacket

So I actually ordered both the Classic Shoulder Bag and Classic Teddy Jacket from The Curated in 2020 when I was still in Hawaii. Both were sent to Hawaii while we were there, but I obviously couldn’t wear the Teddy Jacket. And tbh I wasn’t a fan of the Classic Shoulder Bag (more on this below), so I left them in Hawaii when I couldn’t fit them into our already seam-busting suitcases. Well I finally had my mom ship both to me in California, and now I remember why I left them in Hawaii (and forgot about them 🙈) lol.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Hello, how are you guys doing? Have the mask mandates been lifted in your neck of the woods as well? For us here, the mask mandates in indoor spaces are gone and it has increased my anxiety somewhat. In my personal opinion it feels a tad early for that yet (I mean our infection rate is still above all other past peaks. It would have been nice to have stabilized at a lower rate first).

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commiskids Play dough Kit Review

As you can tell by the Christmas tree in the background, this review is a long time coming lol. So unfortunately this particular cookie set that I love love love is no longer available (hopefully they bring it back for Christmas this year). But luckily, commiskids have a couple of new sets out, including a dumpling kit for Lunar New Year that looks especially fun and useful (hello dumpling press—I could definitely use that)!

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My Experience Selling Bags In-Person at the RealReal {Updated April 2024}

I talked about my experience consigning with the RealReal online here (and here for part 2). But I recently decided to try selling in-person at one of their stores because I was curious to see what that was like (and if they didn’t consign at my set price point, it would be easy for me to decline). I decided to go to the one in Marin Country Mart because of 1) their ample parking and 2) the chance to eat some Hog Island Oysters afterwards lol.

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My Top Ten Posts as of 2021

I decided to check out the stats of my blog the other day and thought I would do a little round-up here of what were my most visited posts of last year and a little commentary about how I feel about the items now. None of the posts were written in 2021, but these were the most visited. So here they are from the most popular:

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

How was your week? Mine was fine. It just flew by. And we’re finally in February, which means I could end my no buy month and transition to a low-buy month. So I went for my first thrift trip of the year to Crossroads (my favorite is in San Jose because I usually have the best luck at selling there and finding some real keepers). This time I didn’t really find much, but I was in the market for a striped button-down and found the perfect one. I was glad there wasn’t a lot I wanted to buy since it helped to keep me to my low-buying goals.

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