
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Unsponsored Jenni Kayne Mules Review: Are They Worth It? {Updated May 2023}

Jenni Kayne mules review

So you guys I finally did it. After talking about them for almost the whole year (actually I first talked about them in September of 2018), I just decided to finally buy the Jenni Kayne mules (even though I also recently added the St. Agni mules to my collection). Do I really need another pair of mules? No, but I’m blaming the pain meds post-surgery for this one. Or maybe it was the “I feel sorry for myself” shopping urge lol. Either way I’m glad I purchased them because I can now finally stop talking about them. And tl;dr: I’m returning them! Yep, all that energy and time spent pining for them was wasted because these shoes are not comfortable (at least for me).

Jenni Kayne mules review

My biggest issue with these mules is the quality of the leather. I got the natural oiled leather version and tbh the leather feels like cardboard. It’s super stiff without any of that stretch you expect from leather. My St. Agni mules (reviewed here) feels like a luxurious glove on your feet. This one? Not so much. The Jenni Kayne version uses elastic bands to try to get the mule to hug your feet, which is kind of a cheap solution for a pair of shoes that cost $395. Maybe the regular leather version has more stretch and feels more luxurious but since they only come in black and I already have a ton of black mules, I’m going to pass. Even Everlane’s Boss Mules feel more luxurious and hug the feet better than these Jenni Kayne ones (and for the current price of $84, the Everlane mules are a steal!). Though I should mention my absolute favorite mules are the St. Agni ones.

Also the there’s no padding on the insole of these Jenni Kayne mules so I can imagine prolonged walking in them would be uncomfortable. They do run TTS though and the 38 fit me fine.

Overall I’m very disappointed in these mules (though my wallet is rejoicing). I guess you never know how something is going to be unless you try it for yourself, and sometimes it’s worth it to just bite the bullet and buy it so you can stop pining for it. I think in general I love the idea and aesthetic of Jenni Kayne but I feel like I can build a more quality wardrobe of basics with the current ethical brands I already purchase from.

{May 2023 Update: Even though my love for my St. Agni mules are going strong, I decided to return to these Jenni Kayne mules because I really need to give my St. Agni ones a break sometimes. Plus I needed something other than a black shoe. So when I found a navy suede pair of these Jenni Kayne mules for $100, I decided to give JK another chance. And I’m glad I did because I really do like these shoes now. It probably helped that someone else already broke these in a bit so the fore foot area was a bit roomier and also much less stiff. I will say I don’t wear the JK mules when I know I’ll be walking a lot because it still pinches at the forefoot area (right where it creases) on my left foot (maybe my left foot is slightly wider?). Anyway I think for $100 they’re a great second pair of mules for me though I still probably wouldn’t pay the $395 (thought I have to say after 3 years they haven’t raise the price at least.}

Weekend Update/Ramblings

Hi y’all, it’s 2020! Wow I feel like this decade is going to be a big one! Anyway I hope you all had a wonderful and loving holiday. I tried focusing on family, friends, and love this holiday season and I have to say it was one of the best (but of course a baby will also make it special). But now I’m particularly motivated to “go for it” or as I’m calling it “reach 2020” (lol, I talk about it a little in my New Years Resolution post). I’m going to try to make this blog thing a legit thing where someday I hope to be able to live off of my writing. Or am I dreaming? Well I won’t know whether or not I can do it until I try, reach for it, and ask for things.

So my first act of “reaching” (other than to state it here) is I’m going to sell some of the items that I received as gifts. Now normally when the gift comes from a friend or family member I have no qualms about selling it, but when it comes to brand-gifted items I know I’m stepping into gray territory. So in the past I’ve either gifted them to somebody else or sold them and put the money towards a nonprofit. I still plan to do some of that, but I also feel like it’s ok for me to want to get paid for all the reviews I do. Currently I get paid in merch, and if I don’t covert that into some kind of money then I’m basically doing it for free. I do understand though that I’m reviewing these items so to just turnaround and sell them seems shady. But these are great things, it’s just that I have too much stuff! Also to remedy this, I plan to do less reviews for free (or for more stuff) and instead ask for sponsorship from key brands in the future (also part of my “reach 2020” campaign lol). But what do you guys think? Is it unethical to sell things that I received as gifts to review?

Annual New Year's Resolution Post

I’ve been writing a New Year’s Resolution post for the last couple of years but this year I think I have resolution fatigue. Or maybe it’s because my life has been so tumultuous this year, that I’m just too tired to try to tackle “me-improvements”. Also my shopping hasn’t been way out of control (though of course I’m still consuming more than what is ideal) so I’m not going to try to make closet-related resolutions.

Actually as I was typing this, there was one resolution I could think of: eat less meat. I am thoroughly convinced that eating meat (or at least large quantities of it) is bad for the environment and for my own personal health. Maybe you guys can help me and point me towards some vegan recipes you love?

Also coming this year is a blog name change (I know I know I keep talking about it). I finally got my husband onboard to be my IT help to move all my content to a new url and to change the design of the blog. So these will be the final months of blog posts under Temporary Housewifey. It’s going to be a new year and a new blog folks!

{Update 1: Okay it’s been about a week since I first wrote this and I have decided to add a couple more resolutions because c’mon it’s 2020—a new decade folks! I was inspired by Renee’s post about working for what she wanted and so I decided I’m going to be intentional and reach for what I want too. Currently I want to be able to support my family by writing this blog. I’m not exactly sure how I’ll be able to get there but I feel like I’m on the right path, and I’m going to work to make it happen. Even if it means asking for things I think are a stretch (ie sponsored posts or other brand partnerships). And another resolution I’ll be working towards is a low-waste lifestyle. I know that real change in this arena has to come from governments and businesses but I can’t stand idly by and do nothing as our earth chokes with plastic and pollution. I can never be zero-waste but I’m going to renew my efforts to get to low(er)-waste. Ok so what are some of your resolutions?}

{Update 2: Guess this is how my posts look if I start writing them out too early, lol. But if you saw my insta post, I am going to have at least one closet related resolution: curb my online window shopping habits and pay a carbon tax at the end of the year for any (or more like all) of my return shipping. It’s the ethical thing to do especially if I’m trying to be an ethical blogger right?}

Thank you for all your support

My Insta top 9: I see a common color palette here

My Insta top 9: I see a common color palette here

Hi guys, I just want to say thank you all for your support on this blog or on Insta through the years. I never expected to make such great internet friends by writing about what I like on the blog here. And I’m especially grateful to you all this year. It was a super tough year for me: first year without my dad, first year with a baby, 2 moves, and 2 surgeries. It was like life was giving me whiplash. And now that I feel like I’m finally on the road to healing, I want to take the time to appreciate all of you who sent me personal emails, dm’s on instagram, and even a gift directly (thanks Henny!). I was thinking of doing another giveaway here but I decided to set-up something a little more lasting (don’t worry I have some giveaways planned for the future!). So today I wanted to share with you guys this spreadsheet with some of the promo codes that I earned from your support. I am so lucky that your purchases through my links have given me so much. On this spreadsheet you’ll find promo codes for $20 off Outdoor Voices, $50 Sarah Flint, $25 off Lovevery, and free Willow Pump bags. The only rules are: please only take them if you’re going to use them and please strikethrough the codes you have used (and not delete them). I’ll be updating the spreadsheet periodically so if you’re planning on making any purchases from these brands, check this spreadsheet for some $$ off :)

{Update: Oops just realized that you guys couldn’t edit the sheet. I just fixed it so now anyone can edit, thanks!}

{2nd Update: Sorry for those who tried to edit it this morning. Somehow access was changed, but now anyone who clicks through the link above should be able to edit now. Please let me know if you can’t edit it, thanks!}

{2021 update: It’s been awhile since I’ve updated that spreadsheet so I got rid of it. I am doing a new promo code spreadsheet that can be found via a Buy Me Coffee Membership here.}

What I Bought in December

Jennifer Fisher Review

What I Bought

Bosch Dishwasher 500 series: Technically we purchased this in November, but I forgot to add it to last month’s list. Decided to add it now here because seriously this was one of my most expensive purchases this year (but also one of the best!).

Jenni Kayne Mules: Finally bought it after talking about it for over a year. Review coming real soon (but spoiler: it was a disappointment).

Jennifer Fisher Small Heart Charm (pictured above) and Salt Trio: I’ve been following Jennifer Fisher for awhile on Insta and I really respect her hustle but also her down-to-earthness. And she has great taste both in style and in the kitchen. She’s who I want to be when I grow up lol. So I finally splurged on a small piece of fine jewelry with my dad’s initial and her signature salts that I’ve been wanting to try.

Farmacy Green Defense Daily Mineral Sunscreen: I finally finished the sunscreens I got from Paula’s Choice and as much as I liked them for not breaking me out, they had benzenes in them. Oxybenzene and avobenzene are hormone disrupters and coral killers (that’s why they’re banned in Hawaii). This Farmacy sunscreen is mineral based and uses zinc oxide. So far I’m really liking it because it isn’t greasy, it doesn’t break me out, and it doesn’t leave my skin chalky. Also just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you can skimp on the sunscreen. UV rays can still cause damage on cloudy days (lol sorry for the mom rant).

Kosas Tinted Face Oil Foundation and Wet Lip Oil Gloss: My usual tinted sunscreen/foundation is a bit too dark during these winter months so I went looking for a new foundation. I found a couple reviews of Kosas and I was eager to try this clean beauty brand. I added the lip gloss because I had that VIB promo code from Sephora.

Bon temps tea: Since my almost-ulcer episode before my surgery I’ve stopped drinking coffee so I’ve been whittling down my tea stash. Now that I’m looking to buy more tea, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t drinking tea with microplastics or any other toxic chemical. Bon temps uses non-GMO organic corn-based tea bags that are biodegradable and their teas are all organic. And I’m not going to lie, their fun 70’s Great Gatsby-esque packaging was also a major draw lol.

What I Was Gifted

Mejuri Bold Link Chain: My second gift from Mejuri and I talked about this chain and being an affiliate for them here.

Everlane ReNew Travel Tote: I love my Longchamp travel tote, so I was curious to see how Everlane’s 100% recycled nylon version compared. Will let you know in a review soon!

So in conclusion…

What do you guys think of this “What I Bought” series? Is it interesting to you and would you like me to continue writing it next year? I know I like writing them because it helps me keep myself accountable to what I’m buying and receiving. But do you guys like reading it? Your feedback would be most helpful, thanks!

Everlane Review: The Soft Day Tote (c/o)

If you’ve been following this blog for awhile you know that I’ve reviewed a lot of different totes from several brands. And one of my most popular reviews is the one I did comparing the Madewell Transport tote to Cuyana’s Classic tote. I’ve also reviewed Mansur Gavriel’s tote and Everlane’s Day Market Tote. On the higher end of the spectrum (in terms of price), I’ve also reviewed the Goyard St. Louis Tote and the Celine Small Cabas Phantom. So you can say I’m totes a tote expert lol.

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What It's Like To Be A Mejuri Affiliate and a Review of Their Products {Update: January 2021}

Mejuri Review

*I received two items for free in exchange for two Instagram posts but this blog post is not sponsored (in fact they don’t even know I’m writing this).

Recently I had the enlightening experience of being asked to promote Mejuri for the holidays on Instagram (even though I have a relatively small Insta following). I know I wrote awhile ago that I was done with costume jewelry because in some ways they’re like fast fashion (something pretty to wear but not something that will last), especially when compared to fine jewelry (which I know I’m so so so lucky to have received from my grandmothers and mom). But I decided to make an exception this time because 1) I’ve been wanting an ear cuff for awhile now but I’m not about to spend the big bucks on a solid gold one and 2) I wanted to know what it was like to be a part of the marketing machine that is Mejuri. In a lot of ways they remind me of the watch brand Daniel Wellington, which blew up because they gave so many influencers on Insta a free watch for a plug.

What it’s like to be a Mejuri affiliate

Mejuri sends out a very generic email asking if you’d like to participate in their promotion. The email includes a link where you can pick your item from a menu of select pieces (about 4 to choose from) and outlines their posting guidelines. They tell you what they want to see in the caption (in this case a promotion of their sale), what they want to see in the picture (no other jewelry), and the date you need to post by. I have to say that overall it was an interesting experience to be a part of the Mejuri program but everything was a tad impersonal and felt quite corporate. But I feel jewelry should be personal and meaningful, since these are items that are meant to be cherished. Translating an impersonal experience into a personally meaningful post was a bit challenging for me, which is why I guess I resorted to humor instead. I seriously didn’t think I was going to be asked again for another gifted item (especially since my post got 40 likes—an all time low). But surprise surprise they asked me again in December. I couldn’t resist because they happened to offer the Bold Link Chain, which is exactly what I’ve been jonesing for (thanks to being influenced by Jennifer Fisher and her long link chains). We’ll see how long this partnership lasts considering my minor influence on Insta lol.

Review of Mejuri Items

Even though I don’t personally purchase gold plated jewelry anymore, gold plated jewelry can be just as meaningful as the solid gold kind when purchased for the right reasons and occasions. Gold plated jewelry also can last as long as you take care of it (don’t wear it in water, wipe it down after wearing, and taking it off every night). Also if you really love it and want to keep it forever, jewelry can be replated in gold. So if you’re going to get a fun bauble for yourself as a reward or request it as a gift, you can’t go wrong with Mejuri. Each item comes wrapped carefully in a box and a canvas pouch, so when you’re unboxing it, it feels incredibly special. The jewelry is sturdy and has a nice weight to it. This isn’t your cheap H&M jewelry hanging on a plastic tag and stacked on rods. And this isn’t the kind of costume jewelry meant to be thrown away or dumped in a Goodwill box when you tire of it (December 2020 Update: I sold one of my Mejuri pieces on ebay and got about 70% of the price). I should mention that Mejuri also sells solid gold fine jewelry for really decent prices and I have been tempted by their stuff from time to time.

Mejuri Review

The croissant dome ear cuff that I received first is a great fashion piece that adds a little flair to the ear. It’s easy to put on and works well with any other gold earring you might have on. It stays put so you can rest assured you won’t lose it, but it doesn’t pinch the ear either (but to be totally transparent I only wore it for 3 hours at a party and not all day). {Edit: I wore it all day yesterday and it was just as comfortable—no pinching at all. This makes me want to get another ear cuff from them…}

The second item I chose was the bold link chain. It’s a beautiful necklace with some weight to it. Like I said above, this necklace fulfills my craving to try a Jennifer Fisher type of chain necklace without breaking the bank.

I do admire Mejuri for being open about the factories they work with (detailed here). The jewelry business can be quite shady (blood diamonds anyone?) so having factories that are part of the Responsible Jewelry Council where they are audited and held to ethical standards is definitely a step in the right direction. Mejuri also has a two year warranty on their jewelry which is pretty unheard of. And to tell you the truth, in the time it took me to write this post (over several weeks) I’ve come to change my mind about Mejuri. I think their prices and quality are really good, so even if you’re looking for something like a wedding band, you should definitely check out Mejuri. I also love that they offer engravable jewelry and they engrave it for free. Personally I really want this signet ring, this boyfriend bold chain, this bold chain ring, or this single diamonds line mini hoop. Looks like I know where I’m going to shop the next time I’m looking for a piece of jewelry to mark a special occasion!

{Update: I went to the soft opening of their store in SF (Hayes Valley) yesterday and I gotta say I’m pretty impressed with the quality of their jewelry as well as the graciousness of their staff. I also came away with a long list of other items I want to buy but I gotta hold off for now because of financial responsibility lol.}

{December 2020 Update: So after writing this post I’ve had several inquiries as to how exactly I got Mejuri’s attention. Unfortunately I don’t know how they found me, especially since I have a fairly low follower count on Instagram. But I have been writing this blog for about 6 years now and do show up on Google search for certain topics. My best guess is that since my blog has been around for awhile, it shows up on some kind of index for Bay Area blogs. And because they were looking for Bay Area affiliates back when they were opening a store in SF that’s how I popped up. If you’re interested in working with them I suggest reaching out to them with a media kit.

Also I wanted to add that for the first time I’ve purchased something from them that I had been eyeing: their Dome Ring. I wanted something bold but simple and this beauty is just the ticket. As for all my other gifted Mejuri items, they’ve held up great with no tarnishing or signs of wear. I’ve heard from others that some of their gold vermeil items tarnished but I since they have a 2 year warranty on their items I suggested they touch base with Mejuri to see what they could do. Also I didn’t purchase my ring during their Black Friday sale though I should have since that’s the only sale they have all year and it’s a pretty good one (10% off for one item, 15% for 2, 20% for 3+). If you’re eyeing something from them and can wait, I would suggest waiting for their sale (which is what I intend to do next year). Also if you have Rakuten, you usually can get a bit of cash back with Mejuri purchases.}

{January 2021 Update: Got my Mejuri ring and I looooove it. It’s easily my favorite piece and even though it’s gold vermeil and not solid gold I don’t mind one bit (especially this is the type of ring I would normally put on for occasions and not wear everyday—for everyday stuff I would still recommend getting solid gold). But for $60, this ring feels like it should be at least $160. It has a beautiful weight to it and it just feels really nice. But I’ll update this post with how it wears over time (and I hope it fares well!).

Please note that this portion of the post contains affiliate links that could result in my earning a small commission - at no extra cost to you - if you click and make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

Unsponsored One Quince Review: The Italian Calfskin Crossbody and Cashmere Sweater {Updated September 2021}

I found Quince (also known as One Quince and formerly known as Last Brand ) thanks to a wonderful reader of the blog who also loved “vintage” Grana (edit: Thanks Viktoriya!). Anyway I’m so glad I learned about them because it’s always exciting to share a new brand that’s trying make quality products, at a great price, and with ethics in mind! There’s so many things I want to talk about this brand that I’m not sure where to start.

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Weekend Update/Ramblings

Hi guys, I’m alive and kicking! Well more like alive and trying not to hunch over as I walk, but still alive lol. The pain from surgery is gradually getting better every day and I’m on less pain meds (at least I’m off the hard stuff). My stomach is still slightly puffy but nowhere near as big as it was. The fibroids were a total of 8 pounds!! Losing 8 pounds in one day feels amazing. In other good news, the fibroids were not cancerous so I don’t have to worry about that (there was a very small possibility that they were cancerous which would have been “terminal” as my doctor put it). Now I’m slowly getting into the swing of things and being careful not to pick up anything heavy (including my 23-pound 9 month old). It’ll be another 4 weeks or so until I can safely pick her up, so my mom and my husband are taking care of most of the baby duties (which to be honest feels like I’m on vacation lol).

A Thank You Jewelry Giveaway (+ Bonus Giveaway) {CLOSED}

It’s a tad late this year but just like last year and the year before, I’m giving away an item of jewelry from my personal collection. I am just so grateful for all of you guys who read and support my blog with your time and clicks. And especially this year with my dad’s passing and my multiple health issues, I am forever grateful for all of you guys who sent me supportive messages or good vibes my way.


This year is another vintage item I purchased from Etsy. I love the bold earring look but tbh it’s not really my style. So I want to pass it on to a reader who can use it more than I can. This is a 10K gold post earring (sorry the whole thing is not solid gold) which I purchased from an Etsy shop based in the UK. It’s absolutely unique and you’re not going to find it anywhere else!

Also thank you to everyone who purchased through my referral link on my Lovevery Review. They now give me $25 promo codes for everyone who purchases through my link and since I’m not currently purchasing any more Lovevery items I want to pass them on to you (I have 3 to give). So if you’re interested enter the form below. Same rules as the giveaway above!

Luxe Refill Review


After I wrote about my zero waste shower routine here, I was contacted by a new-to-me zero waste bath and body products brand called Luxe Refill. They kindly gifted me the set pictured above (all in the Luxe Lavendar scent) in exchange for a review, but of course all opinions here are my own.

Just like some other zero waste bath product companies their bottles are all aluminum and are returnable to the company when you order a refill. They do offer plastic pumps for the aluminum bottles, but they are only sent with your first shipment and are meant to be reused. And if your bottle is too banged up to be reused, they are recyclable just like an aluminum can.

So let’s start with my faaavorite of the bunch: the after shower oil. I’ve tried several different kinds of body oils in the past and I find oils perfect for these super dry winter months. I love their after shower oil because it’s moisturizing without being greasy and it absorbs easily into the skin. The scent is not overpowering. And this oil has been great for my sensitive skin (some oils give me red bumps, even on my body, but not this one). This would also work great as a massage oil if you’re lucky enough to know an amateur masseuse/masseur.

I also really liked the shea butter lotion, which was less scented and a much lighter moisturizer. It also absorbed quickly into the skin and didn’t give me any irritation. My only complaint is that it was a tad too thick for the small pump bottle it came in so I had to dispense the lotion old-school-ketchup-bottle style. This lotion might dispense better in the bigger sizes though.

The daily shampoo and conditioner were great and got the job done. The conditioner though wasn’t super thick and moisturizing but that’s probably what their deep conditioning cream is for. The only product that I wasn’t a huge fan of was their gentle body wash, but that’s because I prefer more gel-like body washes that foam up easily while theirs was more of a milky-type body wash.

But I love that all their products are 100% natural and plant based without any parabens, artificial colors or synthetic fragrances. Also all of these products that I tried are vegan. So if you’re looking for some great zero waste bath products I definitely recommend giving Luxe Refill a try (and you can use the code HW20 to get 20% off your first purchase).

Everlane Review: The Oversized Double-Breasted Blazer (c/o)

’ve tried all three wool blazers that Everlane has ever produced (the first one I purchased and the other two, including this one were gifted). So I feel pretty well versed in Everlane’s wool blazers and I hafta say that this oversized double-breasted blazer is probably my favorite. Just to clarify I did get this gifted, but also got the wool Academy Blazer gifted from Everlane and I never liked that one near as much as this one.

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What I Wanted and Bought in November

All of these things were on my floor after our move so I decided to make a flat lay out of it. A mix of old and new things.

All of these things were on my floor after our move so I decided to make a flat lay out of it. A mix of old and new things.

I am so behind on my reviews right now, so in some ways these “What I Bought” posts are the only way to be current on the items that are eventually going to be reviewed. If you noticed I still have yet to review the items I received in September (like the Everlane soft day tote and Mansur Gavriel mini ocean tote). But that’s just how it goes I guess when you are out of town for a month, move, and then have health issues. Anyway onto the topic at hand…

What I Bought

I purchased with some credit from Everlane (thanks again to all those who used my referral link in the past!): The ReKnit Day Glove (which I plan to compare with my Rothy flats in a review) and the ReNew Catch-All Case (one for myself and a couple more as gifts).

Dr. Barbara Sturm Flight Essentials Kit: I’ve been hearing about Dr. Barbara Sturm stuff from the same beauty “gurus” (thats Eva Chen and Jennifer Fisher) who extolled the values of Augustinus Bader cream. So I used the Sephora VIB sale to try out this really expensive set. So far I’ve only tried a couple of their items but I hafta say, they’re pretty great.

From The RealReal: I snatched up an Ilana Kohn jumpsuit (like this one here) with some credit. I’ve heard about this brand from several other slow/ethical fashion but most of their made-in-NYC items are way out of my price range. I can’t really wear it until after my hysterectomy but I hope it fits! I also picked up a hat from Eric Javits (like this one) even though summer is over. But after seeing one in Bloomies (for over $200!) I really wanted one and figured I can still wear it in the winter in California since the sun is still blazing sometimes.

I also got a couple sweaters from PACT with credit (thanks again for all those who purchase through my referral link). If people are interested, I’ll do a review of them.

What I Was Gifted

A new-to-me zero waste brand called Luxe Refill so kindly reached out to me to see if I wanted to try some of their products, and I said yes because who wouldn’t want to try out a new zero-waste brand lol. Full review to be featured soon!

Mejuri Croissant Dome Cuff: Even though my Insta following is tiny, I guess I’m enough of an “influencer” for Mejuri to notice (they are like the new Daniel Wellington it seems, gifting a ton of influencers for exposure lol). I’m currently working on a review of the cuff and my experience with them even though all they asked for is a plug on Insta.

Everlane kindly sent me the micro form bag and their wool cashmere blanket scarf to try out. One is comically small, the other is comically big lol.

Whew, when I write this all out it’s a lot, and I’m so far behind on all my reviews. I’ve been thinking about it for quite awhile now but I’m pretty sure I’m going to try to move toward sponsorship next year, rather than reviewing a ton of gifted items. Of course I still plan to buy and try things myself but I also want to be more conscious of what I purchase going forward. I know you’ve already heard me say this, but seriously I have too much stuff!

Weekend Update/Ramblings

For those of you who celebrated, hope you guys had an awesome Thanksgiving. I sadly could not feast this year because I got an ulcer (or maybe a pre-ulcer really since it didn’t bleed). But man it hurts like a mofo. It was so bad this past Monday morning that I went to the ER (I thought I was having a heart attack—irrational I know, but the pain was excruciating). Sadly they couldn’t diagnose it there. Only after I came home and had the pain after coffee did I realize it had something to do with my stomach. I really need to change doctors because after emailing my primary physician about this she just told me to keep taking an over the counter acid suppressor and wait 2 weeks. Oh and yea not eat anything that could irritate my stomach. Guess the stress and unhealthy eating habits have finally caught up to me.

Also I’ll finally be having my hysterectomy this coming Thursday. Wish me luck! It’ll be my first time going fully under, which I think might actually be better than the C-section where you’re fully awake. Though of course going under leads to other kinds of risks. Oh and the painkillers and empty stomach for surgery is not going to be fun with an ulcer. I guess when it rains it pours, eh?

Anyway sorry if I sound like debbie downer here but I’m under a lot of health-related stress. On the bright side, I haven’t shopped any Black Friday sales. I have a little FOMO about this (like what kind of good deals am I missing?!) but I just let that feeling go. Plus I already purchased enough things earlier this month. But maybe I can live vicariously through you: did you guys buy anything for Black Friday?

A Fairly Curated Holiday Gift Guide

I’ve been in the blogging game for about 5 years now and have never put out a holiday gift guide before because I disliked the idea of feeding into the consumer frenzy around the holidays. So I’ve boycotted gift guides in the past. But this year I felt that instead of being all Scroogey about it, I should embrace the fact that many of us like to give gifts during the holidays. And since I try a lot of products during the year and do a lot of reviews for this blog, it’s worth mentioning some of my favorite items that I think would make great gifts. Also since this is my first gift guide, I’m not sure the best way to organize this but I’ve decided to go from least expensive to most.

Marleys Monsters Review

Marley’s Monsters Cotton Facial Rounds ($18): I first reviewed them here a year ago and love them are still going strong. They’ve held up really well (both the bamboo and cotton versions). I prefer the cotton rounds because they’re softer and absorb more toner even though they pill a bit more with multiple washings. This zero waste gift is perfect for that beauty addict in your life!

safety razor review

Safety Razor ($29): This is a life-changer guys and it’s great for the environment. The receiver of this gift might be a little intimidated by it, so just send them a link to my blog post about it here lol :)

Everlane Review ReNew Catch All Case

Everlane ReNew Catch-All Case ($30): Ok so this is the only item on this list that I haven’t personally purchased or tried out myself…yet. I’m very tempted to get this all purpose small bag because I can’t get enough small bags. Also I love that Everlane is working hard to make this case from 100% recycled materials. {Update: Actually I just purchased this to give as gifts and will let you know what I think of it when I get it!}

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Salt Farm Truffle Salt ($40): I’ve been buying this salt for three years now and I still use it almost every morning on my eggs. Outside of Italy, this is the best truffle salt I’ve ever found (even better than those at Williams Sonoma or other cooking shops/markets). And a bottle of this lasts me all year.

gemiani review

Top Fill Humidifier ($45): I love this large top filling humidifier from Amazon. It’s so easy to add water (I really hate those humidifiers where you have to screw a top and then flip over to load into the base). I purchased one for myself and one for my mom for her birthday. It’s especially needed during these uber dry winter months.

le labo lotion review

Le Labo Lotion ($69): I love love love my Le Labo lotion in Jasmine. It’s the little bit of luxury that has replaced my perfume and it’s also great for my skin. The Jasmine scent is perfectly subtle and dreamy.

Renpho Air Purifier Review

Renpho Air Purifier ($120): For those who read my air purifier review here you know this is my favorite of the bunch. What’s a better gift than that of clean air?

Augustinus Bader Review

Augustinus Bader Rich Cream ($170): If you really love someone, then I would highly recommend getting the AB Rich Cream. It’s a dream present and I believe it can change the texture of anyone’s skin for the better. You can read my review of it here. Oh I just noticed they also have a new $85 (15ml) version of it here.

Everlane Review Mini Form Bag

Everlane Form Mini Bag ($190): I love my Everlane mini form bag (reviewed here). It fits all the essentials, and the leather is beautiful yet durable. For those who need to carry a laptop with them, the regular form bag ($235) is also super useful and gorgeous!

Something from The RealReal or Fashionphile (what budget?): Lol, these are my two favorite online consignment sites and I’ve talked about them a lot and purchased many items from both. For purses, especially high-end ones, I always go with Fashionphile because 1) they have a better authentication process IMO and 2) they allow returns. The RealReal is better for more reasonably prices designer clothes and accessories. I know buying used things is not really a thing yet for most people when gift giving but I say why not? The items are still useful and valuable!

And lastly, I just wanted to mention that some of the best gifts are not things (but of course you know this). Some of the gifts I’ve enjoyed the most in the past are experiences (a special dinner out or a special dinner made at home) or quality time with someone. As for my husband and I, we are in dire need of a new dishwasher so that will be the present we give each other (especially since neither of us like to wash dishes lol).

What are some of your favorite gifts to give to your friends and family?

Weekend Update/Ramblings

I’m participating in the #letsgetearthy challenge this week on Insta and I love that it’s got me excited about my clothes again! My pic is in the center :)

I’m participating in the #letsgetearthy challenge this week on Insta and I love that it’s got me excited about my clothes again! My pic is in the center :)

Oops it’s been awhile since my last weekend update. I’ve been super busy with the move from our apartment to our new home. My goodness we’ve moved 4 times in the last year and a half. I should be a pro at this by now. I’ve been whittling down the number of things I own at every move, and had only a small bag to give to goodwill this time. You should have seen our first big move 3 years ago (we had a whole garage of stuff we ended up donating). I still have a box of things I want to sell through ebay but I’m thinking of really Marie Kondo-ing my life and getting rid of everything I’m not currently using or love. This fourth move + grief cleaning my dad’s life in his apartment + my recent fire evac scare has me reconsidering all the stuff I have in my life. I’m also planning to change my blog name sometime next year (because I am in my permanent home but no I’m not going to be a permanent-house wifey lol) and I might do a “moving sale” over on my Closet Sale page. I’ll let you know when that happens. Let me just tell you there’s probably going to be a lot of gently used Everlane on there and maybe even some vintage Grana. I plan to be ruthless with my closet.

Oh and have you guys seen Meryl Streep’s movie on Netflix, The Laundromat? I enjoyed it though there were some spots that felt a tad cheesy. I felt like I was watching another iteration of Mary Louise from Big Little Lies (which isn’t a bad thing). It also helped me understand the Panama Papers better and I just throw my hands up in the air at all the greed and corruption in this world.

I also watched a couple documentaries about clothing designers and thoroughly enjoyed them, though I’m not the type to wear their clothes. So far I’ve watched Halston and Westwood: Punk. Icon. Activist both on Amazon Prime Video. The Westwood one is particularly interesting to me because she grapples with her concern for the environment and the need to still make clothing for a living. I kind of know where she’s coming from since I too try not to harm this planet (too much) and yet I’m trying to earn money by blogging about material items. It’s a quandary every “ethical/sustainability” blogger must face. Next on my watch list is the Ralph Lauren documentary on HBO.

Have you guys seen anything good on Amazon/HBO/Netflix lately?

St. Agni Mules Review {Updated May 2023}

St. Agni Mules Review

I love me a good mule. California is really a great place to wear mules almost year-around. I wear my Everlane Boss mules quite frequently. So I know if I added another black mule to my closet it would mostly definitely be worn. I had been eyeing the Jenni Kayne mules fooorever but I couldn’t quite pull the trigger ($395!). So I looked for alternatives, and the St. Agni mule (which is the favorite of every sustainable/ethical blogger out there because of their thoughtfully-designed hand made shoes) made it onto my radar. I have both brands saved as a search in the RealReal so when this pair popped up in my size, I snapped it up it even though it wasn’t the woven leather ones I had originally wanted. But how could I resist for $72 of credit?

First a note on sizing. I purchased these in a size 38. I’m usually a 7.5-8 and a solid 8 in Everlane. St. Agni is supposed to run narrow so they advise purchasing a full size up (so in this case I would buy a 39 since European size 38 is about a US 7.5). However I got really lucky with these and they’re the perfect snug fit. My heel also just fits without any overhang. I think by buying them used, someone had already done the work of stretching them out a little. But they look great, with only some minor wear on the soles and a slight wrinkling to the leather.

St. Agni Mule Review

A little investigating on the internet tells me that this is the Saul Babouche Slide and it’s no longer being sold. The leather of these mules are thicker than the buttery soft leather of the Martiniano Glove shoes and thicker than the leather of the Everlane Day Flats and the Boss Mules. But even though the leather is thick it’s not stiff. It’s just the right amount to hold my foot in place. I also really love the slightly padded insole, which makes these flats super comfy (the Everlane mules have very minimal cushioning in the heel). I can walk in these all day with no blisters or pain points at all. These have quickly become my favorite pair of mules so get ready to see them on the blog often!

P.S. A follower on Insta mentioned that getting the sizing right for St. Agni can be tricky and that she had to do several return shipments to Australia on her own dime that really added up. If I were to buy a new pair of St. Agni shoes I’d probably purchase from a site like The Dreslyn since they’re based out of LA (though they still charge a return fee). I also see that Bloomingdales also carry some of their shoes.

{December 2021 Update: I’m still in love with these mules and are my favorite pair of St. Agni shoes to date. I’ve tried out several others (including more mules like the ever popular Paris mules) but nothing compares to this first pair. You can find my other St. Agni shoes reviews here.}


{May 2023 Update: I’ve been wearing these consistently for almost 4 years now and my love for them is still going strong. These are actually the only St. Agni mules left in my collection because the woven leather ones started irritating my feet (it might be because post-pregnancy my foot has changed a bit). But these Saul mules have molded to my feet perfectly and they’re hands down my favorite pair of shoes. So much so that they’ve worn down quite a bit and I’ve finally taken them into the shoe repair shop for new soles and heels (an $82 fix!! for a $70 shoe—but 100% worth). I still see this style time to time on Poshmark and would definitely recommend them if you’re in the market for a good leather mule. Also I see these in suede and as much as those look great when they’re new, it definitely wouldn’t hold up like these all leather ones!}

Review of the Top Rated Amazon Air Purifiers: GermGuardian, Levoit, Renpho, RabbitAir, Dyson, EnviroKlenz {Updated May 2021}

As an allergy sufferer living in California (pollen! pm2.5 from our crazy wildfires!), I’ve purchased a lot of air purifiers via Amazon in the last couple of years. Also as a former public health student who has studied the effects of air pollution on health, I really believe in the health risks from breathing poor air quality (inflammation from breathing in pm2.5 is associated with higher risks of not only respiratory issues but also heart disease). So I’m willing to invest in a good air purifier, and I’ve tried a lot! So learn from my purchasing mistakes and wins if you’re in the market for a good air purifier.

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What It's Like To Live In California During Fire Season


It’s here y’all, the end of the world/the apocalypse. Or that’s sort of what it feels like living in California during fire season (from October - to whenever the first rain falls in the winter). If you’re a lucky Californian, a fire season used to mean monitoring air quality daily, wearing a particulate filtering mask during the smoky days, and orange glowy sunlight (from the smoke haze). It also meant investing in a good air purifier (I’ve tried about half a dozen and here is a review of the air purifiers I liked and disliked).

But now fire season also means living with blackouts that can go on for days, and it’s affected a large number of us in Northern California including myself. Living without power adds a whole other level of complexity (especially in an apartment building). We are decently prepared, but that’s because my husband likes to camp (though we did find out the hard way that we need a new portable lamp). We have headlamps, a small propane “stove” (it’s called the jetboil, and it’s amazing), dry canned foods (though I’ll need to restock on that this week because another blackout is forecasted), a heavy duty cooler that can keep things cold at least 48 hours, and water jugs (also important for an earthquake kit).

And now that’s if you’re lucky. The worst is of course when the fire is in your neighborhood. We had a close call over the weekend and it has really opened my eyes that state of things and what my priorities are. We live in an apartment building in a very urban environment (I can walk to the downtown area in 5 minutes). So I never imagined a fire threatening our area (but if it can happen in a city center in New Zealand, it can happen in any small city center I suppose). But the next neighborhood over is quite heavily forested and a fire broke out there, and we’re right on the border. So even though we didn’t have mandatory evacuation orders, we were put on notice that it was heading our way. And the way the gusty (hurricane-force) dry winds blow these days, it could mean you have only minutes to leave.

The exercise of packing all your earthly possessions into a car is an eye opener for sure. What to take? What to leave behind? If I had to wear the same thing over the next months or years what would that be (for me that’s Elizabeth Suzann, especially since I can sell it in a pinch if I had to). What do you leave which you can rebuy later? (That would be most of Emi’s stuff since baby clothes and toys are easier to come by). Anyway it made me see all the excess stuff we have. The things we wouldn’t take in case of a fire. And if those are not daily worn or used items, do I really need them? Having also done a year with 3 moves and a month of grief cleaning, I feel like my life is bloated by too many things. I feel this quite often actually, and try to purge. But I find myself in a vicious cycle of buying and purging. It’s a form of material bulimia. This is definitely something I’ll be working on.

Anyway these were just some of the thoughts I have this past weekend. And for my fellow Californians, I found the NextDoor app and getting notifications were super useful in a chaotic situation like an evacuation notice. We were able to get relevant information quick thanks to some vigilant neighbors. Also following your local county fire department and City/Community Twitter keeps you informed from the frontlines so to speak. And always have an emergency bag packed and know your emergency plan (because the middle of the night with no electricity is not the time to pack and figure things out). Stay safe this fire season guys!