Every month I recap all the things I purchase (lately it’s been a lot of bags), so you would think I’m a reckless big spender (which is kind of true when it comes to bags). But I realize I never talk about all the things I’m not buying. And I’m no Miss Frugality here (again, bags), but there are many things I no longer buy. So to give a bigger picture of my consumption habits, here are the things I no longer buy:
No longer have anything in this 2018 photo except for the sunglasses
I was never a big sunglasses collection gal, maybe owning about five at the height of my sunglasses collection. But now I own only one, which I’ve had since 2018. Sure they’re scratched up as hell but they still work. And I only got this pair because the one pair before it got stolen. I like to purchase my sunglasses from Nordstrom Rack (preferably in Hawaii—the Ward location since they always have a large selection), and that’s where I got my current Bottega Veneta ones (come to think of it, this was my first Bottega anything). I find that having only one pair ensures I never lose it. And really I just need one good pair.
Batch of nail polish I sold in 2017
Nail Polish
Unlike with sunglasses, I used to be a nail polish collecting fiend. At the height of my collection I probably owned 200+ and it was insane (as well as unsustainable and not eco-friendly). I was able to give away a ton and sell some, but many bottles did get thrown away. And after seeing how wasteful that was, I got into the habit of buying maybe one bottle a year or every other year (none so far this year and one last year). Even at this slower rate I never go through a whole bottle so it’s still somewhat of a waste, but at least I know better now.
New Clothes
The last couple of years I’ve only purchased used clothing, whether it’s some items from Crossroads or my Dries dress from the RealReal. I get maybe 2-3 items a year of new clothing from Quince, but since I’m getting them on credit I’m not technically purchasing with my own money. Is it fudging the rules a little bit? Sure, but as an “influencer” in this space I consider it a good balance, especially since I used to be that gal that got new clothes weekly from Everlane. I’ve just come to realize that I pretty much wear the same things everyday so there’s no need for me to be getting new clothes. And when I need a bit of a closet refresh, secondhand clothing is the best way to go (it’s cheaper, sustainable, and allows me to take fashion risks relatively guilt-free). And Quince makes pretty good basics (all my Quince reviews here).
My most recent pair of secondhand shoes from The Row
New Shoes
This also applies to shoes. Most of my shoes I got this year were used and I got a couple new ones from Quince with credit. Again I just wear the same old shoes (my white Arizona Birks for summer and my tan Boston Birks for winter), so why do I need more? And when taking a fashion risk with shoes (like my caged satin mules from The Row), I prefer to get it secondhand (and yes I clean and sanitize them the best I can before wearing them).
Notebooks and other stationary goods
I’ve loved stationary stores ever since I was little. There’s something about a good pen and a fresh new notebook that feels like never-ending possibilities. But honestly how often do I crack open a brand new notebook? What notes am I taking at 41? 😂 I do have a journal where I jot down ideas whenever they strike (not a daily diary type thing), and so I start a new notebook maybe every 2-3 years. At that rate I have enough notebooks to last me a lifetime so I’m cooling it with all stationary goods (…until I go back to Japan, lol just kidding I stopped buying stationary there too though if there was ever a place to buy stationary it’s there).
from 2017
I used to have several bottles of perfume at a time and would splurge on the pricey stuff too. But ever since 2020, when we never saw anyone nor could anyone smell anything because of masking, I stopped bothering to wear a scent. Now I’m starting to get back into it, but I’m just using the samples I got from Hermes (and even then I probably won’t finish the samples anytime soon).
I went through a big jewelry collection phase a year or two ago, and now have so many accessories I can’t really wear all of them. Plus I never do because I always wear the same old stuff. Occasionally I want to wear something different and thanks to collecting them in the past I have options. But I definitely don’t need any more now.
I used to be a Chanel collector, having about 18 Chanel bags at the height of my collection. Now I have one, the one my mom bought me for my 35th birthday: the one classic flap that I’ll pass down to my daughter. But even this one bag, kept in its box most of the time, is becoming a mill stone around my neck. Honestly I don’t think Chanel is worth it anymore (if it ever really was?). I think the hype and magic of Karl made Chanel more of a powerhouse, but their bags are honestly made like any other brands’ (machine sewed en masse). And the exorbitant price increases (without the increase in quality to back it up), is quite a turn off. I will say my one vintage small flap from the 90’s in caviar leather was gorgeous but everything else was alright (it’s the only one I regretted selling). I know a lot of people still love Chanel so please don’t take it the wrong way. I mean why does one love a brand? There’s no definitive answer, it’s just being swept up in its magic (I mean why do I love Hermes right now?). But I guess for me the Chanel spell is broken.