
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings


The big thing this week is that Emi started going to pre-school on Tuesday (she started late because we were waitlisted for the school and then space opened up at the beginning of November). And wow, I feel like I’m moving on to the next stage in life. A stage where I’m not doing childcare 24/7, and one where I get my time back Tuesday to Friday, 8 to 4:30. I’m not going to lie, the first thing I said once we dropped her off (with a few tears on her part) was “Freedom!” lol. I almost don’t know what to do with myself now with all my own time back. No actually I do, I have a mountain of to-do’s that have been delayed for almost 2.5 years so there’s that. I’ll also try to blog a bit more here, and maybe even get back to 2-3 posts a week. But the biggest thing I’ve been thinking about doing (when it comes to my blog and such) is making video content for Youtube. Ugh, I kind of dread it but at the same time I feel like blogging is becoming a niche thing, and TBH not sustainable if I want to try to make a thing of it (is blogging a dying medium? I dunno, maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️). Plus my husband has been making videos for a bit (check him out here) and has all the gear so it would be a missed opportunity to not even give it a try. I’d probably start out with bags because you know what a bag lady I am. Anyway we’ll see because IRL I’m awkward as hell lol.

In other news, I watched my first Christmas movie this past week. It feels way too early but I feel like Christmas is coming super early this year anyways. Maybe it’s all the talk about supply chain issues, and as a consequence, all the early marketing (including many bloggers releasing gift guides in the first week of November). Anyway back to the movie, I watched Love Hard on Netflix and surprisingly loved it. I’m not a big fan of Jimmy O. Yang and I acknowledge it’s a cheesy you-know-how-it’s-going-to-end holiday movie. But it feels fresh and I really enjoyed a lot of their tongue-in-cheek humor. And I have to say I’m a bit more in the Christmas spirit now. But if you’re not ready for holiday movies, I just finished up Love Life season 2 on HBO and looooved it. The first season with Anna Kendrick was pretty good but I really liked season 2 with William Jackson. Sometimes when the first season is really good and then they bring back a season 2 with totally new actors and storylines, the following season doesn’t measure up to the first (*ahem True Detectives). Well happily this is not the case for Love Life (which is on HBO max).