
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Weekend Update/Ramblings

The RealReal Review

I had my 15 seconds of fame this week with a Instagram stories feature on The RealReal Instagram account lol. It netted me a grand total of 10 new Instagram followers for maybe an hour’s worth of work. So really if a brand tells you you’re getting “exposure” for free work, it’s most likely going to be bull. But I didn’t mind since it was a good excuse for me to get off my lazy blogger butt, dress up, and take some pictures.

In other news, I’m planning to do a “Glow-up August” (lol, I first heard Eva Chen casually mention this on her Insta-stories). But basically, I’m going to get my act together health-wise and finally stop using this pandemic as an excuse to indulge and be lazy. Yes, this pandemic will be here awhile but that’s no excuse to gain 20 pounds and wallow in pandemic pity. In fact, this is probably the best time to get healthy in the off chance you do get sick (obesity is a risk factor in a worse health outcome for covid). Anyway what this means for me is that I’m going to go back to cutting out sugar and going back to exercising everyday. Anyone else want to join me? I’m hoping that by committing to it on the blog here that I’ll be more likely to stick with it (though that’s not really a guarantee: hello failed shopping ban of 2017).