Fairly Curated

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Jennifer Fisher Jewelry and Salt Review

I’ve been a long time fan of Jennifer Fisher of Jennifer Fisher Jewelry. She’s the uber stylish mom and CEO that I would love to grow up to be someday lol. She also is an avid cook and I love all the healthy recipes she makes (which can be found on her jewelry website). I follow her through her personal Insta account, her cooking account, and her jewelry business account. I love that she works so hard but is also super down to earth and personally responds to most DMs (how does she have the time?). So for a little Christmas gift to myself I decided to get the small enamel heart charm with my father’s initial R and in his favorite color blue. A little reminder of him whenever I catch a glance of it.

Yes, it’s quite a bit for a small charm with enamel. However each piece is custom made in NYC. You’re definitely paying for the brand and made in USA markup. However I think it’s worth it for the style (seriously I looked high and low for something similar). And it’s worth it to support one of my favorite business women.

And since I’ve been wanting to try her salts for the longest time, I decided to add it to my order. There’s Universal Salt, Spicy Salt, and Curry Salt. My favorite by far (and the one I’m almost out of) is the universal salt. It has a bit of dill, cilantro and lemon zest. The curry salt is my second fave since it has Japanese curry powder and I seriously love Japanese curry. This way I can get the flavor without actually having to make curry (which I make out of those processed blocks like Vermont or Golden Curry). My least favorite is the spicy salt because I don’t find it spicy at all. Anyway I’m definitely going to be reordering the Universal salt, but this time in her bulk package (bulk ftw!).

When I ordered this back in December (during the black friday sale, which is the only time of the year her fine jewelry goes on 20% off sale so if you’re interested I would wait until then), the package came with black plastic filler material. I was very disappointed in that, so I let her know in a DM. Jennifer Fisher personally responded to let me know that it was due to customers complaining about paper packaging feeling cheap. But she also said she’s not a fan as well, and I felt like she would be changing the packaging when she got a chance.

Well fast forward to March and I entered Emi into their hoops contest (I am not above using my cute baby to win giveaways lol). And good golly, I won! That was my first internet/social media giveaway win! So they let me choose whichever hoops I wanted and I chose the Mini Samiras. Personally, I’m not a hoop person but hey if I get them for free I’ll definitely give them a shot. Anyway this time there was no excess plastic packaging—it was all paper. The hoops do come in a reusable plastic pouch, but I consider that another useful accessory (she uses it all the time for travel).

Anyway I know JF Jewelry is not for everyone, but I’m definitely a fan. I love all the customization she does and her aesthetic is on point. Of course I’m biased though because I’m a big fan of the woman behind the brand. So I guess you can take this review with a grain of salt lol.