via; feeling kind of uninspired clothing wise so went on Pinterest and found this lovely outfit from 2013!
What’s that saying again? “The days are long and the months are longer?” Lol, just kidding I know these are the days to cherish since today will be the smallest she’ll ever be from here on out. And she’s three months now! She’s been sleeping through the nights (11pm-7am) so that’s been amazing, though she doesn’t nap very well. So the days have been quite tiring. I don’t know how I’m going to cope once my mom leaves to go back to Hawaii (in a couple weeks). Be prepared for complete radio silence on the blog after June >.<
Anyway for those with no interest in babies, I apologize for the blog being so baby-topic-heavy. I’ve been wondering if I should spin up a different blog to talk about all the baby experiences and reviews, or just keep it on this blog. I mean I kind of write on a hodgepodge of topics anyway and I never promised this would be a style/ethical fashion only blog. It just kind of ended up that way lol. But still, I can see the baby-topics kind of taking over this blog since that’s my world right now.
Well in something not baby related, I loved this post from Renee (aka GoblinShark) about what happens when a minimalist can no longer fit into some of their clothes. The conundrum is do you either A) Lose the weight (despite trying to accept your body as is—ie have a body positive mindset) or B) Buy new clothes (despite trying to be a minimalist). It’s like a battle of your principles. It especially speaks to me since my body is definitely bigger post pregnancy and isn’t shrinking in a hurry. I’ve broken down and went with option B and bought a couple of items (like the Only Child Cove Pants) because I don’t want to keep feeling like I don’t fit into my clothes. And I’ve also sold some clothes (like my Elizabeth Suzann Clyde skirt) that are too small to keep the number of wardrobe items manageable. I’m not expecting myself to bounce back and I’m letting myself enjoy some new things.