Scene from last weekend’s baby shower, 20 days left till my due date!
In preparation for the baby and thus a decrease in my blog posts indefinitely, I’m writing up some posts ahead of time. I really just want to get a lot of these ideas and posts out before my mind becomes all consumed with all things baby. So to anticipate this maternity leave of sorts I’m going to be shifting my blog post schedule to Tuesday and Thursday (so just twice a week) with a Weekend post on Sundays so that it might be awhile before you get any radio silence on this blog. But I’m sure I’ll be posting snippets on Insta story still if you guys are interested in my life with baby.
Anyway I’ve been reading a lot of great things around the web lately, which I had planned to mention last weekend but I forgot. So here they all are for your viewing pleasure:
Grechen’s post about privilege is a good reminder that we “ethical style” bloggers are extremely privileged to be able to do what we do (to even have the mindspace to be able to think about what we think about and to have the financial security to buy what we want). In Hawaii, we say “If can, can; if no can, no can” lol and I think that applies to us here in that if we can buy better/go vegan/use less plastic we should but if you can’t, you just can’t and there’s no judgement for that. And those that can, need to do more than just buy their way to better. There needs to be action (which I’m still thinking about).
Luxe posted about some tough lessons learned while renting a car without personal auto insurance (but she had coverage through her Chase card). Being in Cali I’ve always had a car and thus car insurance so I never take the rental car insurance. But there’s plenty of good reminders on what to do when you are ever found with rental car damage.
I loved Leah’s truly honest and authentic post about her assumptions: “And so, as a white woman reared in an Evangelical Christian, politically conservative culture, I tend to share "aha" moments and theoretical explorations as they happen to me. I've talked about colonialism, Capitalism, privilege, Christian hypocrisy, ignorance, and humility with a framing that assumes that my reader needs to hear about those things, because, of course, *I* need to hear about those things. But I am now recognizing that my reader can be anyone at all. And sometimes my framing, while useful for an audience that is some iteration of "me," can read as trite to someone who has not only explored these questions in greater depth but may, in fact, have been born into a reality that has forced them to absorb and answer to these negative paradigms since birth. I apologize for assumptions that belittle those experiences.” Dang her writing is so good!
Andrea’s tips on keeping your white/light colored clothes clean looking is so great. I second her high opinion of the Oxiclean Maxforce gel stick and have used it consistently myself to get stains out.
I’m really liking the look of this tie-dye skirt and have even gone so far as to look up how to dye silk in order to try to do a DIY version of this using some Grana silk items I have. But realistically, I don’t think I have time for that.
I was very curious myself of the difference between the Alice & Whittles rain boots with Everlane’s rain boots so I was glad to see Karin do a comparison post of them here.
And finally I love Ceely’s Marvelous Woman Monday series, and this past week she featured an everyday hero who took action to help the homeless in her community.