
Moving from conspicuous to conscious consumption and doing reviews along the way.  Find plenty of unsponsored reviews of Quince, Everlane, Grana, and Cuyana on the site!  I'm working towards a minimal waste lifestyle, and oh yea I love bags >.<

Shopping Ban Update for August and September & Giveaway Etiquette Questions

It's almost mid-October, which means this horrific year is slowly coming to a close.  I pray that we can ride out the rest of this year sans any more tragedies.  On a much more frivolous note, this also means this silly little shopping ban of mine is almost over.  TBH I've been so busy in August and September that I haven't had much time to go shopping!  No time?  No temptations!  (Well I went once to a mall to pick up some AirPods and though I was tempted by some sales, I was able to resist.  And speaking of these AirPods, they are amazing!  Finally some bluetooth wireless earphones that work seamlessly and also don't fall out of my ear.) 

I have, though inadvertently accumulated a lot of new clothes from all the reviews I've done.  I need to do a closet clean out and sale but again, no time.  I'll probably get some kind of sale up over the Fall (or later in the Fall, possibly winter if I can't get my act together).  Also I plan to do some giveaways but let me ask you this: is it rude to give away slightly used items like this Good West Co bag that, truth be told, have only been used with my outfit shots and a post about leather cleaners?  I do think this is a really lovely bag with gorgeous leather (and handmade in San Francisco by a really wonderful woman who I've met!), but it just doesn't get used since I have too many other bags.  I could try to sell it online, but I much rather give it to a reader.  What do you think?