Fairly Curated

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Feeling grateful

For those who follow my insta stories, you know I had a bit of a scare yesterday when there was a brush fire that quickly grew to 100 acres several miles away.  Luckily these California firefighters knew what they were doing and so there wasn't any property damage.  But for a good hour there I feared that we wouldn't have an Airstream to come back home too (you would think we could just move our trailer but we had left our pickup truck back at work).  And I'm just mentioning all of this because it's incidences like this that make me grateful we decided to get rid of the non-essentials when we moved into the Airstream.  I just had to pack a couple bags into the car and the dogs and I was ready to go.  Now I want to get rid of even more things (like do I really need those 30-some cotton shirts even if they are my uniform?).