Fairly Curated

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Grana Pima Cotton Tee Review and Pima Cotton Dress Review {updated Dec 2017}

If you read my first Grana review on their silk tank, you know I wasn't really a fan.  But I'm so glad I ordered a bunch of different items, because I have to say their Peruvian Pima cotton shirts are pretty great.  I ordered the pima cotton shirt in a medium size because judging from their website, the shirt looked fitted.  On top of that, I knew that Grana is a Hong Kong company and for the most part, sizes at Asian clothing companies (like Uniqlo and Muji) tend to be on the smaller side.  And I'm so glad I went with my gut since the medium was perfect (and to compare with Everlane and other clothing companies, I'm usually a small).

I ordered the black v-neck pima cotton shirt and the material is great.  This is probably the thickest peruvian pima cotton shirt I've ever tried.  It's not the usual thin cotton you think of when talking about pima.  The Grana shirt is fitted but also quite stretchy.  I like that it's not oversized like Everlane's shirts.  Actually the Grana shirt is a better everyday work shirt for me since I don't flash everyone when bending over, which usually happens when I'm wearing Everlane's shirts.  So for my next order from Grana, I'm definitely going to add some more Pima cotton shirts! 

I also ordered this pima cotton tank dress from Grana in a size medium. I didn't bother taking any pictures in it because it was waaaaay too tight.  Even though I ordered both the shirt and the dress in a medium, the dress felt more like a small (or even an xsmall).  However, the cotton material for the dress was the same thick, stretchy cotton used in this shirt.  So I guess the tank dress is meant to be a bodycon dress best suited for those skinny model types.

Anyway if you're interested, check out Grana for yourself and use this link to get 10% off your first order (a referral code) and definitely add some pima cotton shirts to your order.  As always reviews are not sponsored.  And stay tuned for more Grana reviews.

P.S. They also now have pima cotton slub shirts that look pretty good.  I'll try to order some when I get a chance.

{Dec 2017 update: So I recently ordered another Grana pima crew neck tee, thinking it was going to be the same as usual.  But it wasn't!  Grana has changed their tee so that it is now much thinner than their old tee.  Also the sizing has changed so that I am no longer a medium, but a small in these new pima tees.  Their new tees are made from "lightweight jersey fabric (50/1)" and I'm not a fan.  But if you like thinner tees then this might be for you.}