Fairly Curated

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Annual New Year's Resolution Post

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I’ve been writing a New Year’s Resolution post for the last couple of years but this year I think I have resolution fatigue. Or maybe it’s because my life has been so tumultuous this year, that I’m just too tired to try to tackle “me-improvements”. Also my shopping hasn’t been way out of control (though of course I’m still consuming more than what is ideal) so I’m not going to try to make closet-related resolutions.

Actually as I was typing this, there was one resolution I could think of: eat less meat. I am thoroughly convinced that eating meat (or at least large quantities of it) is bad for the environment and for my own personal health. Maybe you guys can help me and point me towards some vegan recipes you love?

Also coming this year is a blog name change (I know I know I keep talking about it). I finally got my husband onboard to be my IT help to move all my content to a new url and to change the design of the blog. So these will be the final months of blog posts under Temporary Housewifey. It’s going to be a new year and a new blog folks!

{Update 1: Okay it’s been about a week since I first wrote this and I have decided to add a couple more resolutions because c’mon it’s 2020—a new decade folks! I was inspired by Renee’s post about working for what she wanted and so I decided I’m going to be intentional and reach for what I want too. Currently I want to be able to support my family by writing this blog. I’m not exactly sure how I’ll be able to get there but I feel like I’m on the right path, and I’m going to work to make it happen. Even if it means asking for things I think are a stretch (ie sponsored posts or other brand partnerships). And another resolution I’ll be working towards is a low-waste lifestyle. I know that real change in this arena has to come from governments and businesses but I can’t stand idly by and do nothing as our earth chokes with plastic and pollution. I can never be zero-waste but I’m going to renew my efforts to get to low(er)-waste. Ok so what are some of your resolutions?}

{Update 2: Guess this is how my posts look if I start writing them out too early, lol. But if you saw my insta post, I am going to have at least one closet related resolution: curb my online window shopping habits and pay a carbon tax at the end of the year for any (or more like all) of my return shipping. It’s the ethical thing to do especially if I’m trying to be an ethical blogger right?}